Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Community College Leadership Gap Analysis - 8105 Words
Community College Leadership Gap Introduction A community college leadership crisis endures; within the next fifteen years, ninety percent of the community college presidents are expected to retire (McNair, 2015). To remain viable, United States community colleges need an influx of self-motivated, visionary leaders. Currently, there is a gap in leadership; (Anderson, 2014, Claus, 2013, Eddy, 2013, Hannum, 2015, Jones, 2014, Leist, 2013, McArdle, 2013, McFadden, 2013, McNair, 2015, Tunheim, 2015), quality leadership (Anderson, 2014, Ayers, 2015, Claus, 2012, Cornacchione, 2013, Dahlvig, 2013, De-Frank, 2014, Eddy, 2013, Enke, 2014, Floyd, 2016, Fujii, 2014, Gardner, 2013, Goltz, 2013, Grasmick, 2012, Hannum, 2015, Jones, 2015, Kearney, 2013, Leist, 2013, McArdle, 2013, McFadden, 2013, McNair, 2015, Morley, 2013, Myran, 2013, Tartari, 2015, and Tekniepe, 2014), and gender leadership (Catalyst, 2013, Claus, 2012, Cornacchione, 2013, Dahlvig, 2013, De-Frank, 2014, Eddy, 2013, Eddy, 2015, Enke, 2014, Floyd, 2016, Fujii, 2014, Gardn er, 2013, Goltz, 2013, Grasmick, 2012, Hannum, 2015, Jones, 2015, Lennon, 2013, Morley, 2013 2014, Ortega, 2014 and Tartari, 2015), which is related to the gender wage gap (Claus, 2012, Cornacchione, 2013, Dahlvig, 2013, Enke, 2014, Goltz, 2013, Lennon, 2013, Morley, 2014, Tartari, 2015, Tekle, 2012, Pitts, 2014, and Bell, 2014). The sustainability of a successful community college system is critical to the health of the American education as aShow MoreRelatedLeadership Development Plan For The Mississippi Army National Guard1702 Words  | 7 Pagesrevising or upgrading a leadership development plan is proof that a new plan would work. Therefore, the plan must have proof that is reliable, relatable and valid before introducing the plan. Always remember to treat others as you would want to be treated (Luke, 6: 31, KJV). This literature review paper will give provide proof to the Mississippi Army National Guard (MSARNG) that the new leadership development plan that is being proposed is credible. Literature Review Leadership Culture Edgar ScheinRead MoreWheaton Admissions Essay727 Words  | 3 PagesThe new path led to a transition from a secular K-12 setting to Christian higher education; yet, still within the context of supporting a diverse student population. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Should Psychology Be Considered As A Science - 1353 Words
There is much debate as to whether Psychology can be regarded as a ‘science’. According to the Oxford Dictionary of Psychology (Coleman, 2009) Psychology can be defined as the ‘scientific study of human behaviour and cognitive processes.’ Science is generally defined as the ‘systematic way or method of obtaining knowledge’ (Merriam-Webster, 2008). When we think of science, we think of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Psychology is often thought of as just ‘common sense’, however many of the perspectives in Psychology such as Biological, Behaviourist and Cognitive assert that they are scientific. There are other perspectives in Psychology such as Psychodynamic theory and Humanist which are considered to be non-scientific. It is also important to consider the major features of a science, in order to judge whether Psychology can in fact be considered as one. This assignment will aim to answer the question by first looking at whether Psychology is a definable subject matter (Kuhn, 1970). The next paragraph will focus on the importance of the role of theory. This represents an attempt to explain observed phenomena, such as Skinner’s (1938) attempt to account for behaviour (human and non-human) in terms of operant conditioning. Furthermore, any science must have a hypothesis and be able to test them by making predictions about behaviour under certain conditions. Also, empirical methods and replication will be discussed as well. According to Kuhn (1970), for a subject to beShow MoreRelatedIs Psychology a Science? Essay1133 Words  | 5 PagesSociety states that ‘Psychology is the scientific study of people, the mind and behaviour’ (BPS). In this essay I will be discussing what is actually meant by this and whether psychology fits into both the traditional views of a science, as well as more contemporary perspectives. It is widely suggested that Psychology is a â€Å"coalition of specialities†meaning it is multi-disciplinary (Hewstone, Fincham and Foster 2005, page 4). I will therefore examine whether it could be considered wrong to think thatRead MoreDiscuss to What Extent Psychology Can Be Considered a Science.1129 Words  | 5 PagesWhat Extent Psychology Can Be Considered a Science. According to Merriam Webster (2008), science is a, â€Å"knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method†, with scientific method in five steps being, â€Å"observation/research, hypothesis, prediction, experimentation and conclusion.†(sciencemadesimple.com, 2006). With this to consider, is psychology a science and if so, to what extent. It would be fair to say that psychology has not alwaysRead MoreThe Migram Experiment1309 Words  | 5 Pageselectric short because of the necessity to obey the authority. It is logical that psy-scientist do not recognize the experiment as an objective process because some of the assumptions made are relative. For instance, the participants could not be considered aggressive, but the majority of those were make, who are more predisposed to violence and aggression. For instance, the experiment could be regarded as the dramatization of the individual capacity for violence. Denouncing the results was predeterminedRead MoreSkinner s View On Psychology And The Contrasting Views Of The Mentalists1497 Words  | 6 PagesThis essay will explore B. F. Skinner†™s view on the focus of psychology and the contrasting view of the mentalists. It will then go on to consider the benefits of Skinners way of seeing psychology and thus how he was able to turn psychology into a science with measurable outcomes and bring evidence into a subject that had become subjective and unquantifiable. â€Æ' Purpose of Psychology Skinner stated that the purpose of psychology should be the study of behaviour. 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This immediately raises issues about this debate as many areas of psychological research do not involve the observable. For example, the areas of Clinical and Counselling psychology rely on a patient’s thoughts and feelings to help determineRead MoreIs Psychology A Science?1518 Words  | 7 PagesWhether psychology is a science or not has been a long running debate between psychologists and other scientists alike. There have been various attempts at making psychology a scientific discipline in the past such as the movement from behaviourism into cognitivism. Researchers such as Wundt and Watson have worked hard to bring psychology into the world of scientific research and through the years have made a very good start but have they managed to achieve scientific criteria? Berezow (2012) definedRead MoreIs Psychology A Science?998 Words  | 4 PagesThe question that ‘psychology is a Science’ motivates a substantially critical debate amongst many professions, having very strong opinions. To come to a vigorous conclusion on this subject we must take into recognition both sides of the argument, what is science, and weather Psychology meets the principles of Science. In doing this the following essay will be debating the principles of science, the scientific unifying approach, poppers opinion on whether psychology is a science through his theoryRead MoreFree Essay Is a Scam1711 Words  | 7 Pagescompassion, a brother for whom Christ died. Myers believes Christians must appreciate the essential role of science in nuturing curiosity and humility. This will put a wrongheaded notion about existence to an empirical test. The levels-of-explanation view believes humans are best understood in terms of hierarchy of levels or disciplines of rela tive complexity that should not be confused. Ones faith should not affect the other levels or disciplines. The levels of explanation view looks at the biological,Read MoreLegalizing Abortion770 Words  | 4 Pageseveryone has thought about it at least once. Abortion is the deliberate killing of the weakest and most defenseless among us. There can be plausible reasons that they support abortion. However, I oppose to legalize abortion because not only that parents should accept the responsibility that comes with producing a child, but also it is highly risky for women both physically and mentally and the fact that it is undeniably a murder. Firstly, people need to take responsibility for their actions and accept
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Jesus Camp Free Essays
â€Å"Jesus Camp†A growing number of Evangelical Christians believe there is a revival underway in America that requires Christian youth to assume leadership roles in advocating the causes of their religious movement. â€Å"Jesus Camp†follows three home-schooled Missouri kidsâ€â€12-year-old mullet-haired Levi, who was saved at 5; 10-year-old soldier’s daughter Tory, who loves dancing to Christian heavy metal; and 9-year-old Rachael, who breathlessly approaches strangers to talk about Christâ€â€to Pastor Becky Fischer’s â€Å"Kids on Fire†summer camp in Devil’s Lake, North Dakota. At this camp, kids as young as six years old are taught to become dedicated Christian soldiers in â€Å"God’s army. We will write a custom essay sample on Jesus Camp or any similar topic only for you Order Now †The film follows these children at camp as they hone their â€Å"prophetic gifts†and are taught how to â€Å"take back America for Christ. †Wielding everything from PowerPoint to plush toys to illustrate the wages of sin, the impassioned Fischer has a clear-eyed view of children as malleable material, ripe for the inculcating. When they are not speaking in tongues, pledging allegiance to the Christian flag, or blessing a cardboard cutout of George W. Bush, the kids rally round to hear Fischer and others entreat them to â€Å"join the war,†â€Å"fix the sick world,†and fight abortion. The film looks into an intense training ground that recruits born-again Christian children to become an active part of America’s political future. The fundamentalist revival is a concept that can be associated with â€Å"Jesus Camp. †While many of the large, mainline churches have lost members, other churches (such as the Evangelical Christian churches) have gained members. Contrary to mainline Protestants, Evangelical Christians emphasize a literal interpretation of the Bible. They also stress emotional demonstrativeness rather than quiet, inward devotion at church services (Thio, 2007, pp. 354). For instance, the kids who attended â€Å"Kids on Fire†summer camp spoke in tongues, pledged allegiance to the Christian flag, and blessed a cardboard cutout of George W. Bush instead of quietly praying during church services. Bibliography Thio, Alex. 2007. Society Myths and Realities; An Introduction to Sociology. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. How to cite Jesus Camp, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The 3 Horizontally Enhanced Pigs Essay Research free essay sample
The 3 Horizontally Enhanced Pigs Essay, Research Paper The 3 Horizontally Enhanced Pigs Once upon a clip at that place lived three hogs. Together they owned a really popular eating house, ? Pork Boys. ? Each of the hogs made different Burgers for different people. The first hog, Hamm was seeking to watch his weight so he made Veggie Burgers. The secound hog named Pork Chop made his Burger with particular High protein cheese and fat free 1000 island dressing. The 3rd hog, Bacon, made the lubricating oil Burger with three slabs of beef, four pieces of ( Meleagris gallopavo ) bacon, five different cheeses, ace fat secret sauce, lubricating oil on the side, and your pick of any roll except whole wheat. ? Flash! ! ! This merely in. There have been studies of Richard Simons sightings in the country so caput for high evidences and conceal your oldies cassetes. This is non a trial, I repeat non a trial. We will write a custom essay sample on The 3 Horizontally Enhanced Pigs Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ? ? Hamm, lock the doors! ? ? I? m on it Bacon. ? Bamm! Bamm! He was at that place, Richard Simons thumping on the window, ? Let me in folks and together we can acquire rid of those stormy boom thighs. ? ? Leader of the Pack. ? All of the sudden the clients began to dance to the hypn auricular music. Hamm tried to fend it ( Ricard Simons ) off with his Veggie Burger but than he realized that the Burger was non Fatty plenty so he to began to dance. Pork Chop in fright of his life lobed his Burger into the animals oral cavity. ? High protien cheese and non-fat dressing can non harm me. Ha, Ha, Ha! ? Pork Chop so was thrown into the enchantment and uncontrolably began to dance the Tutsi. Is this the terminal of the line for the hogs? Will the hogs be covered in a cover of exercising alternatively of panecake # 8230 ; But wait look over at that place could it be, yes it is Large Bacon Boy! ? Baa Baa Baa, ? a cornet sounded in the background. ? Ha, Ha Richard it is the terminal of the line for you. You are non wanted in this town or anyplace else for that affair so it is my responsibility to destruct you. ? Large Bacon Boy than launched his Grease Burger in the oral cavity of the Beast. Richard than stunned by the fat cried out in torment. ? Here Richard, take a gustatory sensation of my cocoa malt machine gun! ? Rat-tat-tat-tat! ? No I am flesh outing up, ? Ricard Simons moaned. ? Merely when I had a perfect size 34 waist. ? After that twenty-four hours the hogs of the town lived without fright.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Tips for Your Thesis Statement on Immigrants
With an estimated 2.2 million penal population in the US, were looking at 25% of the total prison population. What could possibly be done? More than a third of all 30-year old jobless men are either serving a prison sentence, ex-convicts or in a local jail. The post-incarceration life for most individuals is composed of total hardship; no employment facility is looking to give you a job ad if at all you find work, a basic pay of less than $10,000 a year with a full time job is what you live for. Its so evident that poverty, age and incarceration go hand in hand. By assisting the children born in poverty stricken families, theres a great chance of reducing the incarceration rates and better yet improve the labor outcomes for the society. Theirs is some great correlation between some of the harsh conditions children are brought up into and later incarceration. A good way to help the ex-convicts would be to get them well paying jobs based on their skill and man power; at least this can help some of the challenges individuals face long before incarceration. This could mean the government setting aside committees that will come up with working policies that look into addressing the issues of racism, geographical poverty, and may be this can help reduce the crime rates and eventual reduction in mass incarceration. Statements on Immigrants These statements present themselves in various forms, and it all depends on the instructor, your discipline of study, and what the instructions expect of you. Despite this, a thesis statement on immigrants, despite being based on different subjects related to immigration would serve one overall purpose of forming the ground of your text, more like a foundation for a story building would do. Another thing is that a thesis statement for immigrants would also create the field for discussions that the whole immigrants paper would take, therefore, going for strong immigrants thesis statement would be a good idea when it comes to this. You wont be able to pose a significant and winning discussion on immigration without including the immigrants thesis statement for that wouldnt count. It wont even make it to debate for theres no guide to what people will bes discussing on. Judging from the above information, its so evident that these statements on immigration play quite a significant role in determining the overall outcome of the whole project and therefore vital considerations ought to be made for you to come up with something interesting. Lets now move forward to the next step and see what you need for your thesis about immigrants. What does the thesis statement mean to you? Theres so much that one could think of and yet not address the asked question. Youll come across thesis statements in your time in college whenever youre dealing with research papers and essays. However, for some students, they find it hard coming up with a good thesis statement, and thats why we are here. Weve gone an extra mile to fetch and sieve the necessary information to give you, useful tips that will assist you in gaining a better understanding of what youre required to do and hence give you a better chance of doing well in your immigrants paper. What do you need to know? You need to know at least everything there is to know, however for this article weve narrowed down our focus to the most basic information that you cant survive minus. Here, well be addressing the thesis statement for immigrants that youll be expected to write as part of your introductory paragraph. Its just an active sentence that is written by the end of the introductory paragraph that functions to give ground for the whole paper. Youll have done your research and come up with different opinions on immigrants that youd wish to put across to your readers. Some of this information is connected while others are contradicting. A thesis statement for disability will, therefore, work towards bringing out your message clearly through linking the ideas and supportive information you have into one sentence that will guide your readers towards the focus of your paper. A strong thesis about immigrants should be independent enough to link the ideas and stance you settle for in a much convincing way that will persuade your readers into appreciating your angle of view. Take Note! Schools are now embracing the social aspect of persuasion in college papers as part of assessing your research and presentation skill. What you go through in your day-to-day activities. Its for this reason that they use the academic approach to come up with criteria of gauging some of the students social skills. From where you stand can you be able to come up with different ideas from different topics assigned to you, do proper and extensive research and at the end of it all come up with presenting a project that will win the minds of many? This will be a step into getting the whole concept of what thesis statements are. Thesis statements for research papers are all about the assessment of skills about research and information presentation. You have the information with you, and now the great challenge comes in when youre set to present them, how can you do this. Some writers have something beautiful to share with their readers, but they lack the skill to give it, and this spoils everything. We ought to borrow this practical skill from our daily activities, just this time around do it in written form. Thesis Statement for Immigrants Format These college papers have some form of format theyre required to follow when writing the essay. There are specific patterns to be developed. It all depends on the discipline, like in this case were talking about immigrants; this would use the APA format. Others would use the MLA format for their writing process. These formats are based on the word spacing, the fonts used, how you structure the titles and topics, and so on. Frequently, writers begin with the introduction, which is generally some little information based on the subject in question, after which theyll move to the body of the immigrants paper. Here at the body text, its all about supporting the opinions and ideas you mentioned in the thesis statement for immigrants. The thesis statement now comes in as part of the introduction section. When writing the introductory paragraph, just by the conclusion, youll place the immigrants thesis statement. Composing the Thesis Statement on Immigrants The instructions are already there, and youre required to come up with a thesis statement about immigrants. Some students will be quick to rush to the hands-on library start working on the thesis statement about immigrants. Youre probably rushing to save on time, or maybe you have other more pressing issues youd wish to attend to besides writing. Do not be quick to work and submit your work, careful and strategic planning of your work on statements about immigrants is essential. Remember, if you fail at the thesis statement level, even the rest of the paper would be a shit load of work, and we both dont want you to be in such a position. To help you out with that, below are some insights that will help you with composing a thesis statement for immigrants. The Thesis for Immigrants Clauses When composing a thesis statement, we have two sections of the sentence that you need to ensure that theyve been adequately captured and wrote conventionally. They are the two clauses, both depending on each other to put across the message. One functions to give your declaration and the other works to support it with some information to back the announcements made. The thesis statement is the foundation of the whole paper on immigrants. Controls the content of the immigrants paper. Guide Your Readers Your working on the thesis statement for immigrants and all you can think of is what your readers will imagine of the sentence. Toe on the safe side of their thoughts on your paper, good practice would be to ensure to adhere to all the rules of writing and structuring a thesis statement about immigrants. The number one being, keep your work in order. Theres not a complete turn off to readers like that of a task which is not organized. It shows total disregard for whatever youre doing. You could be working on either an argumentative or informative thesis statement on immigrants, but whichever the case, you ought to organize your work in a reasonable manner that will offer guidance to your reader and not confuse. Yes, you have strong points to put across, what will matter is now how youll be able to relay your information. The moment the reader goes through the thesis statement for immigrants, they ought to be in a position to predict the outcome of the paper and even better imagine possible conclusions based on the original sentence thesis about immigrants. Beware of this! Backing Information for the Immigrants Thesis Remember, youre not just writing, but youre writing to persuade. In your statements about immigrants, you mentioned what you think of the subject in question and the position you took on the matter. Be in an informative or persuasive role; at the end of the day, your readers need to be satisfied and confident that what youve told them is correct. An excellent way to ensure you effectively achieve this is to come up with shreds of evidence that will shoulder the mentioned claims. You need to prove that what youre saying is the case and that if only individuals could embrace, and then it would offer solutions to some of the issues facing immigrants. Your information sources also matter the most. Be it either a primary or secondary source of information. It ought to have been credited as a substantial source that can be relied on. An excellent way to keep off some of the unreliable sources would be to stick to information sources that are up to date, and that would not distort what you intend to present. The information presentation process also needs to be spiced up a little. Dont be too formal or too severe until you end up missing on the critical aspect of the thesis about immigrants writing, which in this case is being persuasive. For one to be adequately convincing, you need to chip in some catchy phrases and not just plainly stating facts. Understand your audience and know how you can get to them at a personal level. You could scour the web and research on some of the convincing approaches a writer would use when crafting their thesis statement for immigrants. This would be of great help. Practice what you read! Draft an Outline for the Immigrants Thesis Wed recommend one to have an outline as part of their preparation. Thesis statement for immigrants research paper outline is also considered when composing. This one is more straightforward, and you need to know when and where to put specific information and your thesis statement on immigrants is good to go. For the success of your paper, strive to achieve this at all times; Chances are your readers are brainy people, and it is for that reason that theyll be looking to craft opinions that might as well be contradicting with yours; your duty is to ensure that they suppressed and only yours that should stand out Answer all the readers questions effectively. Do not dare give room for doubt in your writing as it will bring your paper down! Conclusion Your worries are now no more. Having told you all that is to know, its now up to you to make it count. Remember, a strong thesis about immigrants should be independent enough to link the ideas and stance you settle for in a much convincing way that will persuade your readers into appreciating your angle of view. Keep in mind that your information sources also matter the most. Be it either a primary or secondary source of information. It ought to have been credited as a substantial source that can be relied on and youll probably be on your way to being a professional thesis statement writer. Are you having trouble with composing a thesis statement? Whats your biggest challenge?
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Chicken Or The Egg
Which came first, Chicken? Or Egg? The answer is that this is the wrong question. The trouble here is the word ‘First’s. A human life contains many firsts, so the word comes easily to our lips. For example, a creationist could ask how the metamorphosis of a butterfly occurred for the ‘First time’. French is called a Romance language because it is descended from Roman, or to be more specific, Classical Latin. Across the last 2,000 years, the language changed piece by piece, a word or emphasis at a time. Documents from many of the centuries between, are written in a language somewhere between the two, not quite Latin, yet not quite French. So who was the first person to speak French? I think its plain to see that this was a very gradual evolution of the language. There was not first French speaker. Was there a first chicken? Some say there was. But Darwin suggests that species evolve slowly, over time. So imagine a lizard, which laid a lizard egg. Millions of years later, its descendant was a chicken, which lays a chicken egg. But there was no moment when chicken-ness suddenly leapt into existence. Similarly, there was no first land animal, no first lung, and no first skeleton. Current scientific beliefs say that all of these came bit by bit. In short, if a species was created abruptly, then a chicken-and-egg question makes sense. But if that species evolved, then there was no first chicken, and there was no first egg, the only true first was the original single celled organism that was created by a spontaneous chemical reaction in the primordial soup that was early Earth, from which all life as we know it evolved.... Free Essays on Chicken Or The Egg Free Essays on Chicken Or The Egg Which came first, Chicken? Or Egg? The answer is that this is the wrong question. The trouble here is the word ‘First’s. A human life contains many firsts, so the word comes easily to our lips. For example, a creationist could ask how the metamorphosis of a butterfly occurred for the ‘First time’. French is called a Romance language because it is descended from Roman, or to be more specific, Classical Latin. Across the last 2,000 years, the language changed piece by piece, a word or emphasis at a time. Documents from many of the centuries between, are written in a language somewhere between the two, not quite Latin, yet not quite French. So who was the first person to speak French? I think its plain to see that this was a very gradual evolution of the language. There was not first French speaker. Was there a first chicken? Some say there was. But Darwin suggests that species evolve slowly, over time. So imagine a lizard, which laid a lizard egg. Millions of years later, its descendant was a chicken, which lays a chicken egg. But there was no moment when chicken-ness suddenly leapt into existence. Similarly, there was no first land animal, no first lung, and no first skeleton. Current scientific beliefs say that all of these came bit by bit. In short, if a species was created abruptly, then a chicken-and-egg question makes sense. But if that species evolved, then there was no first chicken, and there was no first egg, the only true first was the original single celled organism that was created by a spontaneous chemical reaction in the primordial soup that was early Earth, from which all life as we know it evolved....
Thursday, November 21, 2019
On Dumpster Diving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
On Dumpster Diving - Essay Example In the end, this contributes to wastage. For example, in the article, Eighner states that college students would throw away good items at the end of a semester even when such items could have lasted until the start of the new semester. It is also clear that the consumption culture in America encourages people to focus on the wants and luxuries- things they do not need. The culture of consumerism is one that can affect the economy greatly since it encourages wastage of resources. Eighner’s article also brings to light the kind of foods people buy. In this article, he notes that rarely does he find fresh foods in the dumpster but instead find food such as yoghurt, chocolates among others. This shows that consumerism is a culture that encourages people to engage n unhealthy consumption habits where little consideration is given to the quality of foods eaten. This can further be extended to other items as well, such as electronic devices and clothing. The fact that people are interested in satisfying their demands, little attention to given to the nature of these products and the harm they cause to the consumer and the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Refle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Refle - Essay Example My future career plans My future career plan involves opening and running a finance company in Qatar. The company will deal in brokerage of financial securities in the entire country. The business scope will involve the purchase and sale of listed public companies’ securities as well as securities for credit facilities. The business activities will include service delivery to investors through their brokers and offering advice on trends in security prices for clients’ informed investments decisions. The finance company will also offer credit services to people to facilitate entry into, and growth in the financial market industry and the services will be charged independently. My future study plans My future study plans include completing a Masters program in accounting and I plan to do this in the United States. My plan for further academic potential is a factor of the competition in the job market and my career objectives of establishing a private enterprise. With the current competitive environment in which graduates enter the market at a higher rate than the rate of job creation, employers are increasing their recruitment standards for entry positions and for career development within organizations. A Masters degree will therefore facilitate my competitiveness in the job market for successful mobility and promotions within organizations. The future study plan will also be significant to my objective of establishing my enterprise because gained knowledge and skills will be fundamental to the enterprise’s operations and management. Steps that I have taken to facilitate future goals Achieving my future goals requires personal initiatives and I have taken diversified steps to ensure that I qualify for the Masters program and that I gain the capacity to establish a brokerage financial company. Hard work in my academic ventures has been one of the steps towards my academic plans as well as the entrepreneurial venture. My desire to develop a ca reer in accountancy has led to diligence in studies from elementary level. By high school, I was determined to excel, qualify for an accounting course at undergraduate level, and then proceed for a Masters program. I have similarly worked hard in college and I am confident of surpassing the minimum grade for the Masters program in accounting. Some of the particular initiatives that I have undertaken to boost my final college grade are private research into the course concept, consultations with lectures, and group discussions. I have also consolidated funds for the program. I have similarly made efforts to facilitate my future entrepreneurial initiatives through conducting research into the financial industry in Qatar. I have determined the legal environment and understood the required formalities for establishing the type of venture. I have similarly explored the market and its competitive forces and established high probability of success. My initiatives into the venture have also evaluated required resources for the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Charles Darwin first book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Charles Darwin first book - Essay Example His theory had two ideas. Use and disuse which meant an organism loses traits it does not require and develops new ones. He also believed individuals inherit from ancestors. A famous example was the neck of a giraffe which was long because they reach for leaves. This theory was replaced by Mendal’s laws. Mendelian inheritance laws were the manner by which genes and traits are passed from parents to children. The inheritance can be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant and X- linked recessive. His theory comprised of principle of segregation; two members of an allele segregate in gamete formation. Second law is of independent assortment; genes from different traits assort independently during gamete formation. C. Mendal’s theory of inheritance is compatible with Darwin’s natural selection theory. Mendal’s theory is actually the answer of Darwin’s shortcomings. Darwin proposed that with the natural variations that occur in populations, any characteristic that is beneficial would make the person likely to survive and transfer trait to next generation. If various natural selections would occur a new specie would evolve but he could not answer how the traits could remain over the coming generations. The blending theory was famous which stated the blend of offspring and parent’s traits. This meant any beneficial trait would disappear after a few generations. Mendel answered Darwins problem. He proposed traits were not blended, but inherited. Mendel proposed a trait that might disappear in one generation might reappear in the following generation. Mendels genetics was combined with Darwins original theory to give modern Neo-Darwinism. D. Evidence was the Particulate Inheritance theory. The theory showed that characteristics can be passed from one generation to generation through "discrete particles" known as genes. These particles can express while not always appearing in a descendant. He confirmed the theory by experimenting on
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Applications of Genomics in Cancer
Applications of Genomics in Cancer IN WHICH AREA OF HEALTH CARE CAN GENOMICS MAKE THE BIGGEST IMPACT, AND WHAT SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES ARE NEEDED TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN? Hozaifa S. Hassan Cancer management is one of the hottest areas in modern healthcare, especially with its increasing burden in both developing and developed countries. Genomics has changed the landscape of cancer management. This review highlights the current knowledge and concepts concerning how genomics with the advent of new technologies has revolutionised cancer management. Although we still have a long way to go till achieving full cure of cancer, the rapid development of cancer research carries fruitful promises for the near future. Keywords: Cancer, genomics, microRNA, immunotherapy The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has recently declared that global cancer burden rises to 14.1 million new cancer cases and 8.2 million cancer-related deaths occurred in 2012, compared with 12.7 million and 7.6 million, respectively, in 2008, with prediction of a substantive increase to 19.3 million new cancer cases per year by 2025. Prevalence estimates for 2012, show that there were 32.6 million people alive over the age of 15 years had a cancer diagnosed in the past five years. 1 This sets off the alarm bells, we have to develop more effective tools to face this current situation. Genome sequencing and the oncogenic landscape: Cancer is driven by various genomic alterations. The emergence of the draft human genome sequence in 2000 empowered the study of cancer genomes in many ways. With the arrival of the next generation sequencing (NGS) the tumour biology research has further revolutionized.2 With comprehensive sequencing of many cancer samples, huge number of mutated genes were discovered, so it is crucial to classify these genes into those whose mutations confer with selective gross advantage for the cancer ( driver genes mutations) and those which occur though the course of tumourigenesis and do not have great impact on the selective gross advantage (passenger mutations). There are about 140 driver genes identified till now. A typical tumour contains two to eight of these driver gene mutations. Driver genes can be classified into 12 signalling pathways that regulate three core cellular processes: cell fate, cell survival, and genome maintenance (Fig. 1). Therefore, targeting the driver genes or their products could have a great impact on tumour growth. Besides, the administration of unnecessary, costly, and potentially toxic treatment will be avoided.2 Fig ure 1. Cancer cell signaling pathways and the cellular processes they regulate. (Vogelstein et al ., 2013) Genomics and targeted therapy Targeted therapy towards the products of mutated driver genes has revolutionized the modern cancer therapy. This is best exemplified by imatinib which targets the Abelson (ABL) kinas in chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). ABL kinase is a chimeric oncogenic fusion protein resulted from a reciprocal translocation of break point cluster (BCR) on chromosome 22 and ABL on chromosome 9. Food and drug administration (FDA) approved imatinib as first-line treatment for CML in 2001 for its magnificent response with 89% overall rate of 5-uear survival for patients treated. 3 It is crucial to accurately match patients with the most appropriate drugs. Otherwise, some anti- cancer drugs would be clinically useless because the personal and financial costs would far outweigh the benefits. For example, targeted epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors achieve a response rate of 71% in patients with non-small cell lung cancer whose tumour harbour an activating EGFR mutation compared with 1% for those without a mutation.3 There are many targeted drugs that are already used or will enter the clinic soon (Table 1).3 Genetic networks and pathways: one hit is not enough Genomics has shed the light on genetic networking and pathways, where tumourigenesis results from multiple mutations in different genetic networks driving one or more pathways that eventually lead to the acquisition of the growth advantage. This could explain why some targeted drugs are thwarted by resistance. Moreover, this could provide novel combinations for therapeutic intervention.4 For example, most of melanomas are driven by mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway which is composed of Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK switches. Melanoma patients who have B-RAF V600E variant greatly respond to the B-RAF inhibitors (vemurafenib and dabrafenib). Vemurafenib was approved by FDA in 2011 for increasing the survival in melanoma patients. 4 Unfortunately, this response is short-lived and regulation of two other agonists of MAPK- signalling, C-RAF and MAP3K8/COT, could bypass the requirement for B-RAF by re-activating the pathway downstream of the drug target. In a similar vein, Nazarian et al. (2010) have shown that another member in the same pathway called MEK – a downstream kinase to B-RAF- is also mutated in resistant cases. Therefore, adding MEK inhibitors to vemurafenib, could effectively eliminate most of resistant cells.4 Recently, Villanueva et al. (2013) have shown that the response rate to MEK inhibitor (trametinib) is decreasing. Resistance to MEK and BRAF inhibitors was conferred to MEK2-Q60P mutation and BRAF-V600E amplification, respectively, resulting in sustained MAPK activation in the resistant cells. Interestingly, concurrent use of both dabrafenib and trametinib from the start, not after developing resistance, could significantly improve the efficacy and decrease resistance to therapy. Moreover, a triple combination of dabrafenib, trametinib, and the PI3K/mTOR inhibitor GSK2126458 led to sustained tumour growth inhibition.5 This paves the way for novel combinations of drugs targeting multiple nodal points in cancer- driving pathways. As a result, cancer therapy will be more efficacious with less resistance. Oncogenic signatures: completing the atlas Many cancer genome projects unleashed in the past decade have identified essentially complete sets of protein-coding genes, coupled with the discovery of novel microRNAs. Moreover, deeper coverage of many cancer genomes has identified a wealth of somatic mutations, including copy- number changes (deletions and amplifications of DNA), rearrangements, point mutations and small insertions in many tumour types. However, the real challenge is to classify these enormous data sets and translate them into functional and actionable alterations.6 Recently, computational algorithms and functional genomics together with the sequencing of complete genomes of human cancers provide comprehensive catalogues of somatic mutations that fuel different types of cancers. Moreover, these catalogues predict possible targets for therapy in a resistance emerged towardsB-RAF inhibitors. Johannessen et al. (2010) have shown that up-selected cancer. *PARP denotes poly (adenosine diphosphate–ribose) polymerase. (McDermott et al., 2011) For example, The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) provides molecular tumour maps in unprecedented detail. 3,299 TCGA tumours from 12 cancer types are classified according to their genetic and epigenetic alterations, and then they are gathered into pathways that affect oncogenesis with correlation between these functional alteration and available targeted therapy (Fig. 2). The globally coordinated International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC), of which TCGA is a member, will add thousands more samples and additional tumour types which together with computational algorisms will lead to better understanding of cancer.6 In the future, we would have a genomic atlas for different types of cancers guiding us through our quest for finding a cure for cancer. MicroRNA and cancer: tiny but powerful MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs which enhance the cleavage or translational repression of specific mRNA with recognition site(s) in the 3’-untranslated region (3’UTR). They are involved in multiple biological activities as well as disease progression including cancer. Depending on the functions of their targets, they could act as either tumour suppressors or oncogenes. Dysregulation of miRNAs has been widely observed in different stages of cancer either by structural genetic alterations, epigenetic changes or abnormal biogenesis.7 Recently, miRNA-based anticancer therapies have been exploited, either alone or in combination with current targeted therapies. MicroRNA approaches could concurrently target multiple effectors of pathways involved in cell differentiation proliferation and survival (Fig. 3). 7 For example, O’Day et al. (2010) have shown that miR-24 inhibits proliferation through direct targeting of c-Myc, E2F1 and a number of related molecules. Interestingly, Ma et al. (2010) have shown the crucial role of miR-10b in breast cancer metastasis. This group has also exploited a possible therapeutic application, reporting that systemic treatment of tumour-bearing mice with miR-10b antagomirs suppresses breast cancer metastasis. This opens the door for the use of oligonucleotides or virus-based constructs to either block the expression of an oncogenic Figure 2. Map of functional and actionable alterations across 12 tumor types. Tumor types abbreviated as: BLCA, Bladder urothelial carcinoma; BRCA, Breast invasive carcinoma; COADREAD, Colon and rectum adenocarcinoma; GBM, Glioblastoma multiform; HNSC, Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; KIRC, Kidney renal clear-cell carcinoma; LAML, Acute myeloid leukemia; LUAD, Lung adenocarcinoma; LUSC, Lung squamous cell carcinoma; OV, Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma; UCEC, Uterine corpus endometrioid carcinoma; MSS, Microsatellite stable; MSI, microsatellite instability; Ultra, ultramutators; Low CNA, endometrioid; RTK, receptor tyrosine kinase; DSB, double-strand break. (Ciriello et al., 2013) miRNA or to reintroduce a tumour suppressor miRNA lost in cancer.7 Cancer inunwtotherapy: awaken the giant For a cancer to develop and metastasise, it must first escape the immune surveillance. Cancer uses a Houdini mechanism to hide its antigens and deceive the immune system. Hanks et al. (2013) have shown that loss of tumour-expressed type III transforming growth factor receptor (TGF R3), enhance TGF-signalling within loco-regional dendritic cells (DCs) and up-regulated both the immune-regulatory enzyme indoleamine 2, 3- dioxygenase (IDO) in plasmacytoid DCs and the CCL22 chemokine in myeloid DCs. These alterations mediate T regulatory cells infiltration and the suppression of antitumor immunity.8 Interestingly, the therapeutic benefit derived from the combination of an antigen-specific vaccine with a TGF- signalling inhibitor in murine HER2/NEU-expressing 4T1 tumours was primarily mediated by an enhanced antitumor T cell response. This opens the door for using novel TGF- signalling inhibitor in enhancing the immune therapy.8 Another recent approach in this field is releasing the brakes of the immune system by using checkpoint blocking antibodies. For example, antibodies directed against cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) (e.g. Ipilimumab) and programmed death 1 receptor (PD-1) (e.g. Nivoluma) have demonstrated significant recent promise in the treatment of an expanding list of malignancies. Ipilimumab was approved by FDA in 2011 for significantly improving the survival of patients with metastatic melanoma. Further research will demonstrate much more checkpoints that can enhance immunotherapy either alone or with combinations with other drugs.9 Interestingly, cancerous cells also have some tricks to escape the radar of the natural killer cells (NKs). For example, cancerous cells down express their natural killer group 2, member D ligands (NKG2D-Ls) required for activation of NKG2D receptors on NKs. 10 Bedel et al. (2011) have shown a pivotal and novel role for signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) in modulating the expression ofMHC-I chain-related A (MICA) -one member ofNKG2D-L family- in cancer cells. Interestingly, neutralizing STAT3 with pharmacologic inhibitors or siRNA has led to an increase in NK degranulation and IFNy Figure 3. MicroRNAs targeting the hallmarks of cancer. (Iorio et al., 2012) This sets the stage for developing novel effective immunotherapies in the future as well as increasing todays ones efficacy. Conclusion Genomics has revolutionary changed the landscape of cancer management. Whole genome sequencing of many cancer types combined with computational algorithms will add a wealth of information to our current knowledge. In the future, complete comprehensive genomic atlas will be available for most cancer types. Therefore, the mutations driving an individuals cancer could be exactly identified then precisely targeted by chemotherapeutics, immunotherapy, synthetic oligonucleotides or combinations of those. This will increase the efficacy of the therapy. Besides, the administration of unnecessary, costly, and potentially toxic treatment will be avoided. It will be true that cancer could be cured! References [1] Latest world cancer statistics Global cancer burden rises to 14.1 million new cases in 2012: Marked increase in breast cancers must be addressed. http://www.iarc.fr/en/mediacentre/pr/2013/pdfs/pr223_E.pdf. (12 December 2013) [2] Vogelstein, B et al. Cancer genome landscapes. SCIENCE 2013; 339: 1546–1558 [3] McDermott, U, Downing, JR, Stratton, MR. Genomics and the continuum of cancer care. N Engl J Med 2011; 364:340-50 [4] Sandmann, T, Boutros, M. Screens, maps networks: from genome sequences to personalized medicine. Current Opinion in Genetics Development 2012; 22:36–44 [5] Villanueva, J et al. Concurrent MEK2 mutation and BRAF amplification confer resistance to BRAF and MEK inhibitors in melanoma. Cell Reports 2013; 4: 1090–1099 [6] Ciriello, G et al. Emerging landscape of oncogenic signatures across human cancers. Nature Genetics 2013; 45:1127-1133 [7] Iorio, MV, Croce, CM. MicroRNA dysregulation in cancer: diagnostics, monitoring and therapeutics. a comprehensive review. EMBO Mol Med 2012; 4:143–159 [8] Hanks,BA et al. Type III TGF-ÃŽ ² receptor downregulation generates an immunotolerant tumor microenvironment. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 2013; 123: 3925-3940 [9] Kyi, C, Postow, MA. Checkpoint blocking antibodies in cancer immunotherapy. FEBS Letters 2014; 588: 368–376 [10] Bedel, R et al. Novel role for STAT3 in transcriptional regulation of NK immune cell targeting receptor MICA on cancer cells. Cancer Res 2011; 71:1615-1626 (Word count: 2,124) Three lab choices 1. Cancer genome project(Prof. Mike Stratton ) 2. Gene expression genomics(Dr. Sarah Teichmann) 3. Epigenetic reprogramming(Prof. Wolf Reik) 8
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Ntozake Shange :: Male White Dominance Essays Prejudice
Ntozake Shange After spending a semester looking at Gardner's limited selection of people, I became frustrated at his blatant message that White male creativity is the only one to exist. With his obtrusive message in mind, I felt the need to challenge Gardner and his model to become less Euro-centrally male driven. In order to confront him, I have chosen a person who is neither, White nor male. Instead, she is a Black American woman who I can consider to be, in many aspects, a creative genius. Although I find it incredibly hypocritical to try to fit Ntozake Shange into Gardner's creativity model, for all intensive purposes for the class I will first point out how she does meet his model. Next, in accordance with Black feminists, I will examine why she does not fit into Gardner's creativity model and frankly, why it does not matter that she is not shaped into the model. Further, I will confront the issue that marginal people are rejected society's cannon (i.e. the white male cannon), and how Gardner, in the position of a writer he could have broken down some of these barriers. Ntozake Shange does fit into five of the seven intelligences in Howard Gardner's model. As a performance artist, poet, musician, writer, and politician, Shange's intelligences span the interpersonal, spatial, kinesthetic, musical, and verbal talents. She blends music, drama, and poetry to characterize the Black experience in America, particularly the Black female experience. Her works empower women to take responsibility for their lives by learning to love themselves and challenge their oppressors. Shange's life and works give clarification and direction to the current feminist movement (Black Women in America). Furthermore, her supportive back-ground fits her into Gardner'stheory that, "the roles of family and teachers during the formative years, as well as the roles of crucial supportive individuals during the times in which a creative breakthrough seems imminent" through the lives of creative people (8). Paulette Williams was born to Eloise and Paul Williams on October 18th, 1948. Later in life, Paulette Williams changed her "slave name" to an African name, Ntozake Shange. Ntozake means "she who comes with her own things" and Shange means "who walks like a lion" (Current Biography 1978). However, in her earlier life, Shange lived a seemingly comfortable life. Her mother was a psychiatrist/social worker and her father was a surgeon. Despite their Blackness in a times of segregation, Shange was given violin and dancing lessons while exposed to other artistic activities as well.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Synthesis Paper on Gay Marriage
Caroline Treinen Ms. Pajer English 101 Synthesis Essay Who are we to dictate who someone loves? The definition of love is the action that two people share. The definition does not say love only occurs between a man and a woman. The article, â€Å"Gay marriage proposals destructive to society, Vatican official says,†is an argument against gay marriage. The author, John Thavis, claims that homosexuals are just struggling to find themselves and that same-sex marriage disrupts the normal sexuality and fertility of a couple.In â€Å"Support for Homosexuals’ Civil Liberties†, Kristin Kenneavy discusses how religious outlooks influence a family’s beliefs on same sex marriage. The two articles show the different views on gay marriage by explaining different attitudes toward homosexuality, the future implications of gay marriage and the role that religion determines when it comes to beliefs on same-sex marriage. The American gay movement was inspired from Germany because in 1867 â€Å"a renegade legal scholar named Karl Heinrich Ulrichs went before the Congress of German Jurists, in Munich, to plead for the repeal of sodomy laws†(Ross).Magnus Hirschfeld had established the first gay-rights organization. Henry Gerber founded a Society for Human Rights in Chicago. New York then turned into a very popular gay life town. New York even â€Å"passed laws against cross-dressing, onstage representations of homosexuals, and gatherings of gays in clubs†(Ross). One of the main reasons that people look down upon gay marriage is because the Bible states that a man and woman need to come together as one in order for the human race to be successful and to reproduce.If the number of gay and lesbian couples grow, the human population won’t and America will struggle with our leadership position as one of the strongest countries in the world. Most people would agree that same-sex marriage is a sin, but so is abortion, gluttony, and stealin g, but everyone still performs those deeds. Why are they wasting so much time arguing about same-sex marriage and not paying any attention to any of the other sins that so many people perform?In â€Å"Gay marriage proposals destructive to society, Vatican official says,†Cardinal Ratzinger asserts that â€Å"recent legislative proposals for gay marriage are part of a larger modern rupture between sexuality and fertility. †He is stating that gay marriage could destroy the status quo of marriage. He argues that normal marriage is a man and a woman uniting as one, not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. A man and a woman are meant to be together not only for physical purposes, but also for moral ones.There is no way that two men or two women could be together morally because it is not in the Bible. He states that homosexuals are considered people who are suffering and want to find their way, but making gay marriage legal doesn’t really help these people. Ratzi nger said that â€Å"this is a trend that separates us from all the great culture of humanity, which have always recognized the particular significance of sexuality: that a man and a woman are created to jointly be the guarantee of the future of humanity. †On the other hand, in â€Å"Support for Homosexuals’ Civil Liberties†, the author states â€Å"traditional gender role attitudes and support for homosexuals’ civil liberties are found to negatively co-vary over time. †Religious attitudes differ in both their approaches to the roles of men and women in family settings and their approach towards homosexuality. The author explains that typical household is a male, who has a job, and a female, who is a housewife and children, who usually just go to school and watch cartoons.If two men are a part of a household, it destroys the stereotypical household and the familial dynamic. Cardinal Ratzinger, who later became Pope Benedict XVI â€Å" said gay ma rriage proposals were just one example of the tremendous changes challenging European culture. †He believes that gay marriage promotes the idea that any type of union is morally acceptable, which in this case it is not because it is destroying the status quo of normal marriage. Ratzinger claims that the European culture has â€Å"passed from a Christian culture to an aggressive form of secularism that at times is intolerant.As an example of this intolerance, the cardinal cited a case in Sweden where a Christian minister was imprisoned for preaching against homosexuality on the basis of Scripture. †Ratzinger is complaining that his perfect Catholic culture is turning into a distorted version of secularism, which asserts the right to be free from religious rule and teachings. Someone who preaches against homosexuality can risk imprisonment because it is against Catholic beliefs. In â€Å"Support for Homosexuals’ Civil Liberties†, Kenneacy also comments on the future implications of gay marriage.Religious beliefs play an important role in defining social acceptance and functions of families. Gays and lesbians don’t receive worldwide support when it comes to protection of their civil liberties because they aren’t considered full citizens. He writes that â€Å"heterosexual dominance works by reserving the private sphere of romance, marriage, and family for heterosexuals only. That dominance is legitimated by constructing lesbians and gays as natural outlaws to the family. †Lesbian and gay couples aren’t considered natural, which is why they are basically shunned from being considered natural.More liberal religious traditions have supported the practicing homosexuals. The conservative religions have been in groups that are vocally opposed to civil liberties for gay men and lesbian women. Cardinal Ratzinger considers religion to be a big determination in his belief that same-sex marriage should not be allowed. He states that â€Å"Islam represents a special challenge for Europeans. In a positive sense, he said, Christians should be reflecting on the deep religious practice of Muslims, their firm faith in God, their awareness that we â€Å"are all under God’s judgment†and the observance of common religious practices. But he also believes that Muslims should learn from the Christians and how religious freedom is important to them. Kenneavy believes that the Catholic Church determines the belief in same sex marriage and â€Å"has unequivocally voiced its view that the acceptance of homosexuality threatens the family because homosexual family forms are not ordained by God. †The duties of a husband and women are supposed to be performed by a man and a woman, not two men or two women. In the Bible, a family of two men or two females is not natural. It is not right.Although many Catholics look negatively upon homosexuals and marriage, other individual Catholics may no ne cessarily completely go along with the church policy about homosexuality. But other than that most Catholics are considered to have conservative beliefs when it comes to accepting homosexuals. One of these articles supports gay marriage and the other one strongly doesn’t, but they both have a sense of Catholicism, which states that marriage should be between a man and a woman. The Catholic Church believes that homosexuality threatens the family because homosexual family forms are not in the bible.Bibliography Brewer, Paul R. â€Å"The Shifting Foundations of Public Opinion about Gay Rights. †Journal of Politics 65. 4 (2003): 1208-1220. Business Source Complete. Web. Kenneavy, Kristin. â€Å"Support for Homosexuals’ Civil Liberties: The Influence of Familial Gender Role Attitudes Across Religious Denominations. †Project Muse 90. 4 (2012). Web. Ross, Alex. â€Å"Love on the March. † The New Yorker. N. p. , 12 Nov. 2012. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. .
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Matryoshka and Other Symbols of Russia
The Matryoshka and Other Symbols of Russia The Matryoshka, also known as the Russian nesting doll, is one of the most instantly recognizable symbols of Russia. Other common symbols include include the birch tree, the troika, and the Russian samovar. Discover the origins of these symbols, as well as their significance to Russian cultural heritage. The Matryoshka Doll Nalin Nelson Gomes / EyeEm / Getty Images The Russian Matryoshka doll, also called a nesting doll, is perhaps the best-known symbol of Russia around the world. In Russia, the doll is thought to symbolize traditional values of Russian society: respect for the elderly, unity of the extended family, fertility and abundance, and the search for truth and meaning. In fact, the idea that the truth is concealed within many layers of meaning is a recurring motif in Russian folk tales. In one such folk tale, a character named Ivan searches for a needle representing the death of an evil character. The needle is inside an egg, the egg is inside a duck, the duck is inside a hare, the hare is inside a box, and the box is buried under an oak tree. Thus, the Matryoshka, with its many layers concealed within the larger doll, is a perfect symbol for Russian folk culture. As for the first Matryoshka doll, the most popular theory is that the Matryoshka was conceived in 1898, when the artist Malyutin visited the Mamontov family estate in Abramtsevo. At the estate, Malyutin saw a Japanese wooden toy that inspired her to design a series of sketches reflecting the Russian version of the nesting doll. In Malyutins sketches, the largest doll featured a young woman dressed in townspersons attire holding a black rooster. Smaller dolls depicted the rest of the family, both male and female, each with their own object to hold. Malyutin asked a local wood craftsman Zvyozdochkin to create the wooden dolls. The finished set of eight dolls was called Matryona, a popular name at the time that matched the widely accepted image of the strong, calm, and caring Russian woman. The name suited the dolls, but Matryona was considered too solemn a name for a childrens toy, so the name was changed to the more affectionate Matryoshka. The Birch Tree Tricia Shay Photography / Getty Images Birch is the most ancient and well-known symbol of Russia. It is also the most prevalent tree on Russian territory. Birch is associated with the Slavic goddesses Lada and Lelya, representing female energy, fertility, purity and healing. Objects made out of birch have been used in rituals and celebrations in Russia for centuries. During Ivan Kupala night, young women braided their hair ribbons into the branches of the birch tree in order to attract their soul mates. Birch was often kept in the home for protection from jealousy and bad energy, and when a baby was born, birch brooms were left outside the front door of the familys house to protect the baby from dark spirits and illness. Birch has inspired many Russian writers and poets, particularly Sergei Yesenin, one of Russias most beloved lyric poets. The Troika Aleksander Orlowski, Traveler in a Kibitka (Hooded Cart or Sledge), 1819. Lithograph. Public Domain / The Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia The Russian troika was a harness method for horse-drawn vehicles, used during the 17th-19th centuries. The troika was driven so that the middle horse trotted while the other two horses cantered, keeping their heads turned to the sides. This meant that troika horses took longer to fatigue and could travel much faster. In fact, the troika could reach speeds of 30 miles per hour, making it one of the fastest vehicles of its time. Originally, the troika was used to transport mail, with tired horses being exchanged for fresh ones at regular intervals. The Troika was later used to carry important passengers, at which point it became a cultural icon: featured in weddings and religious celebrations and decorated with bright colors, bells, and gold. Because of its innovative design and impressive speeds, the troika came to be associated with the Russian soul, which is often called bigger than life (Ã'ˆà ¸Ã'ۈ ¾Ã ºÃ °Ã' à ´Ã'Æ'Ã'ˆà °, pronounced sheeROkaya dooSHAH). The symbolism of the number three, which has significance throughout traditional Russian culture, also played a role in the troikas popularity. According to some accounts, the troika was adapted by the Russian government from secret rituals of the Russian North. Every year on St. Elijah the Prophets Day, ritual troika races took place in northern parts of Russia, with the troika symbolizing the fiery chariot that carried Elijah to heaven. To crash in one of these races was considered an honorable way to die- it was said that Elijah himself took those who died in the races to heaven. The Samovar Nikolai Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky, The Teachers Guests.. Heritage Images/Getty Images / Getty Images A samovar is a large, heated container used to boil water, especially for tea. The samovar is an iconic symbol of Russian tea-drinking culture. Traditional Russian families spent hours chatting and relaxing around the table with traditional preserves, Russian pretzels (à ºÃ'ۈ µÃ ½Ã ´Ã µÃ »Ã' ), and a hot samovar. When not in use, samovars remained hot and were used as an immediate source of boiled water. The word samovar (pronounced samaVARR) means self-brewer. The samovar contains a vertical pipe filled with solid fuel, which heats the water and keeps it hot for hours at a time. A teapot containing a strong tea brew (à ·Ã °Ã ²Ã °Ã'ۈ ºÃ °) is placed on top and heated by the rising hot air. The first official samovar appeared in Russia in 1778, though there may have been others made even earlier. The Lisitsyn brothers opened a samovar-making factory in Tula in the same year. Soon, samovars spread across Russia, becoming a much-loved attribute of everyday life for Russian families of all backgrounds.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Finding My Passion essays
Finding My Passion essays Ive participated in many sports and extracurricular activities throughout my life; gymnastics, cheerleading, dancing, piano and French classes but somehow I've always ended up quitting all of them. Much of this has to do with my personality - I tend to be a bit lazy. I limit myself by maintaining an "average" life, even though I'm fully capable of reaching a great success. When it comes to personality, my mother is my complete opposite. She's a very dedicated person and expects a lot from herself. She always gives her best and is the type of person who never gives up. As her daughter, I've witnessed what happens when we live our lives with high personal expectations. And learning from her, simply by watching her live her life, may be what leads me to making decisions that lead to a happy and successful life. In early November of 2005, I was on a swim team and I had two very important dates coming up on the calendar: one of the most significant swim competitions of the year and my 16th birthday. The swim competition was an obsession for my mother. She couldnt believe I hadnt quit the swim team and she was so proud and happy for me. But this enthusiasm was putting a tremendous amount of pressure on me. As the day of the swim meet approached, my nerves seemed to increase with each passing second. Before I knew it, it was the day of the competition. My mother took me to school that morning and I hoped that somehow I could find the time to relax and clear my mind. I arrived to class before the other students and the room was empty. As soon as I sat at my desk, all my friends walked in singing happy birthday and carrying an enormous cake and gifts. I was so touched that I didn't even think about the swim competition for the rest of the day. But as soon as the last school bell rang, my nerves kicked into overdrive. I knew it was time to go home and begin getting ready to compete. While I was walking to my bus, my th...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Systems Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Systems Approach - Essay Example [Kelly, G., p.204]. According to this, the laws governing the parts determine or cause the behavior of the whole. That’s why the client’s behavior needs to be viewed as a whole, being determined by the complex of influences from inner and outer surroundings to the organism. General Systems Theory is based on the assumption that there are universal principles of organization, which hold all the systems, be they physical, chemical, biological, mental or social. In this case, while treating a client there is an urgent need to appreciate his behavior as being influenced by a complicated list of determinates, which could be very different, but at the same time, due to the Systems Approach, are similar to all the human organisms. According to G.A.Kelly, the person-as-clent is ‘what he does’, and the therapist is primary interested in the client’s overall personal construction system within which he structures his world, and builds his relations to such a world. Primary diagnostic work in this case include an outline of the client’s existing channels of movement, the prediction of the development of a way how a person will behave, and what factors this behavior is determined by. The reasons for this emerge from the client’s inner problems, hidden in his childhood (this is the case of study for psychoanalysis, when the behavioral patterns of a client are the shadows of the events happened to him in the past), or are determined by the conditions of the present surrounding, and his personal behavioral constructs. Kelly stresses, that ‘by seeing a client’s constructs and their opposites as channels of potential movement for him, the therapist has some basis for forecasting what adjustments will appear to the client to be available when he finds himself up to his ears in people’. [Kelly, G., p.187] To view a client and to make an appropriate diagnosis the therapist must point of all the influences which have a certain impact on the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Main plans to turn Motorola around Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Main plans to turn Motorola around - Essay Example As set forth by Crockett and Reinhardt, the first element of his plan was to bolster management, by reviewing performance and then firing the bottom 10% of managers. He then targeted the product line for new development within the mobile phone and semiconductor departments. When Zafirovski came to the company, Motorola had a wide variety of products distributed among its six businesses. His third move was to reassess the portfolio with the objective of determining whether the company should retain all of the businesses or reposition the mix. With those operational and product strategies moving forward, he turned to fiscal concerns. In an obvious move for a company with financial troubles, he sought to cut costs. By reducing the workforce, shutting down some factories, and trimming the number of cell phone platforms, he increase the cash flow of the organization. Finally, he targeted the company's long-term debt for reduction (58). By employing these five broad strategies, Zafirovski was able to increase performance and product lines, focus his team on what was working, and increase the cash-flow and gross profit margins of the organization. As a member of the board of Motorola, the first question is how I would approach the hiring of a successor. With Zafirovski's duties being transferred to the CEO for the moment (Haley 1), it is important that the board move swiftly to replace the operations officer. That said, however, succession planning is an "ongoing and complex endeavor that is necessarily broad in scope. It therefore presents significant barriers to both implementation and long-term maintenance" (Bowley, 6). The board cannot afford to rush the process and take the chance of putting the wrong person in such a key position. Zafirovski's well-planned moves put Motorola into a state of good transition, and the right candidate must be able to consolidate the internal an external relationships of the company. Using key industry contacts and networking with other members of the business community, I would conduct research into finding a pool of qualified candidates. Once I had identified five or six qualified and avai lable people, I would arrange in-depth interviews with them to determine their compatibility with the CEO, mid-level management, and all strategic partners of Motorola. I would also ascertain the candidates' management philosophy and style, as well as ask their opinions of Zafirovski's strategies. I would request that they confirm whether they would maintain the focus set by Zafirovski or, if not, what their strategies might be. Predicated upon the answers I received, I would vote to hire the candidate that presented the best mix of strengths within the parameters I had set. As to keeping Zafirovski's reforms, my answer is an unqualified yes. In two years, his strategies had turned the company around from losses to profits, and positioned Motorola ahead of some of its key competitors, Lucent Technologies and LM Ericsson (Crockett and Reinhardt, 58). The shareholders of the company have to be happy with that
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